Postal Code (PC) or Zip Code (ZC) or you can say Post Code or PIN. There is slight difference between Postal Code and Zip Code. The difference is the naming. ZC is used in USA and Philippines while PC is used in the other countries. Not all cities and regions have this Postal Code in Ethiopia. But it won’t be a problem if you want to send or receive mails from or to abroad.
Ethiopian PC contain four numbered digits.
- The first is being regions (Oromia, Amhara, Harari, …)
- The second digit represent Central Office (a central office from where the mails distributed accordingly)
- The last to digits represent Delivery Offices (this could be any post offices in the city). Here is a place where your personal P.O.Box exist.
How to Understand how to fill Postal Code forms
Lets assume, Mr. Abdi Mohamed is from Asasa, Arsi, Oromia. He own P.O.BOX 789 (in Asasa, his city). Now from according to Ethiopia Postcode, Asasa’s postal code is 2120. Now, you can ignore the region, and the zone. Because it can be acquired from the PC itself.
Now you write Mr. Abdi Mohamed address as:
Mr. Abdii Mohammed
P.O.BOX 789
2120 Asasa
What if there is no postal code?
For example, there is no specified postal code for Wellega on the website. In this case, you need to put four zeros instead. Say, the same person is from Nekemte (east Wellega). Possible address could be:
Mr. Abdii Mohammed
P.O.BOX 789
0000 Nekemte
My Google AdSense verified address
I live in Harar city, Harari region. I opened a new P.O.BOX in Harar so that Google will send me AdSense Verification Code. I was succeeded just on one trial. Postal code for all post offices in Harar is 3200.
So here is how I filled my AdSense form, please look and try the same you want to be verified within 6 weeks (at max). You need to add your correct phone number at last and verify it.
Thank you for reading!